BIJAX - Bayesian Inference in JAX
- Contributed to an open-source Python library with a unified and transparent approach for various distribution approximation techniques such as Laplace Approximation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling.
- Reinforced the approximation methods by adding extensive functionalities such as Full rank, Low rank, Mean Field, Subnetwork, Last Layer, and Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (KFAC).
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Laplace Approximation
The results of Laplace Approximation for fully bayesian network, last-layer bayesian network, and subnet bayesian network are shown in the figures below.
Laplace Approximation using all layers for regression on a 2D dataset. MAP, fullrank, lowrank, diag, kron (left to right)
Laplace Approximation using last layer for regression on a 2D dataset. MAP, fullrank, diag, kron (left to right)
Laplace Approximation using subnetwork for regression on a 2D dataset. MAP, fullrank (left to right)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) on the Digits dataset
For the case of out of distribution data (the letter ‘A’ is out of distribution for a dataset of digits), a deterministic model, would predict a class with a certain confidence. We define an uncertainty metric ‘entropy’ which provides information on how uncertain the model is (higher is more uncertain). The results below show that the HMC model predicts a class with low confidence and high entropy.
Ground Truth, Predicted Class, Predicted Class Probability and Entropy
Accuracy and Timing Analysis