PointResNet - Residual Network for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation and Classification

  • Designed a residual-block based novel architecture that outperformed the baselines by 4% for the segmentation task on ShapeNetPart dataset and produced comparable results for the classification task on the ModelNet-40 dataset.
  • The network takes n input points and applies transformations, several multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers with skip connections, and then aggregates features using max pooling. The classification network applies fully connected and dropout layers and obtains k scores for k classes. The segmentation network extends the classification network by combining local and global features, using convolutional layers, and finally giving per point scores as output. The connected skip layers represent ResBlock-n, where n is the number of features of a single block layer. Numbers in MLP layers represent a number of features.

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PointResNet architecture


Qualitative comparison of part segmentation results on ShapeNetPart dataset

Eval acc ↑
PointNet 90.6
PointNet++ 88.4
ECC 90.8
RTN 92.6
PointResNet (Ours) 94.79

Quantitative comparison of part segmentation results on ShapeNetPart dataset

ModelNet10 ModelNet40
Eval acc Eval avg
class acc
Eval acc Eval avg
class acc
PointNet 92.52 92.08 89.2 86.2
PointNet++ - - 91.9 -
PointConv - - 92.5 -
ECC 90.0 - 83.2 -
RTN - - 90.2 86.5
ResNet-50 - - 66.3 -
PointResNet (Ours) 92.86 92.29 88.76 85.58
Quantitative comparison of classification accuracy on ModelNet10 and ModelNet40 with the state-of-the-art methods.